Hari ni pagi2 lagi dpt berita sedih tentang adik firdaus..adik firdaus masuk nicu semalam..dr kata peluang adik firdaus dh tipis..doa sj hanya mampu acik kirimkan..y paling sedih ibu adik firdaus tkdak temankan adik firdaus..tk tahu apa y ibu adik firdaus fikirkan..saat mcm neh pon masih boleh tinggalkan anak ..saat anak perlukan sokongan, perlukan belaian ibu..sebak acik dpt tau nasib adik firdaus..apa pon acik harap ibu adik firdaus usahakan jgk utk jg anak syurga neh walaupon seminit dua..bg kata2 smgt utk anak sndiri..sbb kasih syg ibu tk sm dgn kasih syg org lain.. 😢😢
Qaseh Adam
assalamualaikum...hye kawan kawan..blog qaseh adam neh mama adam y punya atau ble cari mama adam kat fb @ Afiqah osman ye...apa y ditulis dan diceritakan dlm blog neh sekadar utk sharing sharing ye..sharing is caring kan..
Monday, 5 January 2015
kekasih syurga
Utk anak 2 mama
Adam rayyan
Tk pernah mama lupa saat mengandungkan adam
Tk pernah rasa susah , rasa letih , rasa sedih
Ada ja adam dalam rahim mama , buatkan hari2 mama sangat2 bahagia
7hb 10 2010
Saat lahirnya adam
Hilang semua rasa sakit mama lahirkan adam
Adam yang sgt baik, tk banyak ragam
7hb 10 2011
Adam dh setahun
Mama & papa sedaya mungkin jg adam
Tk pernah sakit , demam
Ingat lagi mama
Telatah adam yang sangat2 cergas
Adam jadi kesayangan keluarga ma & abah jgk
Banyak kasih syg y adam dpt
Walau di tempat org
Mama & papa bahagia tk terkata
Selalu doakan supaya ALLAH swt sentiasa lindungi adam
7hb 10 2012
Adam dh 2 thn
Adam kadang2 demam..
Ambik ubat dan lega balik
Adam aktif mcm biasa
Masa ni adam bru tumbuh gigi, berjalan
Dan pandaiii cakap..
Seronoknya mama tk terkira
Anak mama dh semakin membesar !!!!
7hb 10 2013
Adam dah 3 thn
Cepatnya masa berlalu..
Anak mama dh besaq
Dh boleh hafal doa tidoq
Doa makan
Alif ba ta pon dh ondway
Mama & papa rancang nak hantar adam sekolah!!!! Wahhh ...excited tk terkira mama & papa
Adam cerdas ,sihat n happy
Jan 2014
Adam masuk sekolah
Hari pertama msa mama hantar balik nangis
Kata cg sbb dia tgk org lain nangis
Hari ke dua sekolah
Mood adam smkn baik
Mama bg reward mainan kat adam
Adam happy
Feb 2014
Adam demam
Bwk ke klinik amek ubat
Kembali sihat n aktif
Semakin bijak berkata2
Setiap mlm sebelum tidur
Dh pandai bc doa tidur sndiri tnpa di suruh
Dh besaq anak mama
Bangganya mama
Doa mama
Semoga Allah swt terus bg semangat utk mama besarkan adam dgn baik
Mac 2014
Adam demam lagi
Ambil ubat seminggu baru sembuh
Sangkanya adam demam biasa
Pertengahan MAC adam demam lagi
Bwk ke hospital utk cek drh
Result tkda apa2 masalah
Hujung bulan demam lagi
Kali ni teruk smpai adam tk boleh jalan
Nampak adam lemah sangat2
Terus bwk ke hospital semula
Utk xray
Result masih tk tunjuk apa2 masalah
Balik rumah adam kembali sihat
Tp tk seaktif biasa
Semua kesayangan adam perasan
Masa tu keja mama pon banyak tertangguh
Susah hati mama
Pilih yang mana 1 penting
Kerjaya atau anak
Rekod kerja mama dh tk comei
Semakin teruk
Tp mama redha
Sbb mama tau pengorbanan mama utk jaga adam lagi penting
Sbb adam segala2nya bg mama
22hb April 2014
Adam semakin teruk
Kedua2 belah kaki dh tk.boleh berjalan
Terima rwtn di hospital dungun
Hampir 3 minggu
Mama bersalin kat adik pon masa tgh jg adam
Kesayangan adam , jaja & ma y take over utk jg adam
Papa teman mama
Sakitnya bersalin adik berbeza dr bersalin kat adam
Alhamdulillah sekejap saja
Adam dh jd abg
Adik dh boleh balik tp abg adam masih dihospital
Ma y jg adam
Syg ma dekat adam mcm adam anak dia
Syukur Allah kurniakan sorang insan yang kasih syg dia sgt2 banyak tumpah ke atas anak aku..
Tk terbalas jasa ma n keluarga
Papa nakal selalu bwk adam lari dr hospital
Semata2 balik nk bg adam tgk adik
N adam sgt2 happy dpt blik rumah
Hari2 mama bilang hari utk adam balik
Tp kata putus dr hospital msih tkdak
Mei 2014
Papa & mama dh hilang sabar
Smpai bila nk duduk hospital
Tnpa ada sebarang kata putus tentang sakit adam
Papa & mama ambil risiko utk bwk balik adam
Ke hospital sg petani
Y lebih bnyk pakar n kemudahan
Jun 2014
Adam masih dihospital
Hampir sebulan
Papa ada temankan adam
Mama masih dlm pantang
Alhamdulillah walau pon sakit tak terkata lahir kan adik..
Adik baik, senang dijaga tk banyak kerenah
Sampai sekarang
Mungkin adik tau..
Mama kena tumpukan perhatian utk abg
Syukur Allah
July 2014
Adam dimasukkan ke GHPP
baru dr sahkan
Adam sakit
Kanser neuroblastoma tahap ke 4
Dr cerita lagi
Kesan2 kimo
Subhanallah besar sungguh ujian kasih sygmu
Mama & papa mcm berjalan atas angin
Saat terima apa y dr cerita
Mama tarik nafas dalam2
Mama solat
Mintak supaya Allah kuatkan hati , jiwa mama
Utk terima segala ketentuanNYA
Ayaq mata mama smpai kering
Smpai dh tk daya nk keluar
1st kimo adam masuk sebelum raya aidilfitri
Persiapan raya alhamdulillah
Dpt jgk mama tempah baju raya adam
Wana biru y mcm adam tunjuk
Adik pon dpt foc baju raya dr kawan mama
Syukur murah rezeki
Raya pertama adam
Sihat kembali
Boleh berjalan mcm dlu2
Syukur Allah
Sihatkan kembali anak aku
2nd kimo
Adam kuat
Sikit pon tk muntah
Tak demam
Adam berjaya lalui
3rd kimo
Ubat kimo adam kuat sikit kali ni
Kata dr
Adam muntah
Demam sikit
Mulut pecah
Habes kimo balik rumah sehari saja
Dah kena masuk hospital balik
Sbb adam demam
Duduk hospital smpai sembuh
Mulut adam
Demam pon dh tkdak
Adam boleh balik
Kimo ke empat adam posponed seminggu
4rd kimo
Ubat kali ni tk kuat
Adam ceria
Duduk hospital pon adam enjoy
Papa temankan adam
Mama happy
Adam semakin baik
Syukur Allah
Kimo kelima poaponed hampir sebulan sebab adam demam
5th kimo
Mama teman adam
Papa keja
Adam muntah sikit
Kesan kimo kata dr
Mama beli aiskrim hari2
Tkmau bg mulut adam pecah
Anak mama kuat
Habis kimo boleh balik
Adam happy boleh balik
Katanya rindu adik!!!!
6th kimo
Teruk skit ubat kimo kali neh
Kuat sgt kata doc
Adam smpai demam menggigil lepas habis kimo
Kna admit 1minggu ghpp
Ingat lagi mama
Tgh mlm masa adam demam teruk
Adam ckp kt mama
Adam syg mama
Syg papa
Syg adik
Minta maaf mama
Kna jaga adam
Tk boleh jg adik
Mama senyap tk terkata apa2
Mama seboleh2 tkmau menagis depan adam
Mama cuba tahan
Alhamdulillah mama berjaya tahan tangis mama
Walau pon dlm hati hanya Allah y tau
Papa pon trus blik dr ganu utk jg adam
Tgk muka papa
Mama tau papa sedih sgt2
Takut sgt2 kehilangan adam
Lama papa balik kali ni
Adam p bones scan pon dgn papa
Adam happy bila papa ada
7th kimo
Kimo last
Adam berjaya lalui
Anak mama& papa kuat
Adam dpt blik rumah
Dr pon happy adam lebih baik dr mula2 masuk
Sel kanser adam pon tk ada
Doa mama
Semoga dgn izin Allah adam dpt sembuh
Rambut adam pon dh mula tumbuh skit2
Mama dpt qasa bila pegang kepala adam
Bulu mata adam pon dh start tumbuh
Kening adam
Selalu mama usik adam
Kening mana
Adam gelak ja..
Now 5hb 1 2015
Hari ni
Adam admit Hsah
Semalam demam lepas masuk darah
Dr tahan
Kata dr
Tk boleh balik
Selagi adam tk main tembak2 dgn saya
Adam jd kesayangan dr2 dan misi kt sini
Sama mcm kawan2 adam y lain
Semua jd kesayangan
Mulianya kerja seorg dr n jururawat
Pagi ni adam dh tk demam
Cuma tk aktif
Mungkin letih
Masuk drh & platlet semalam
Doa mama
Semoga Allah swt izinkan adam sembuh
Semoga Allah swt bg peluang utk mama besarkan adam sama2 dgn adik, sekolahkan adam dan adik , dpt didik adam jg adik sebaik mungkin , dpt jd perlindung yang terbaik sesama sendiri
Terlalu banyak mama qasa apa y mama doakan
Siapa la mama disisiNYA
Tp Allah swt maha penyayang maha pemurah
Sejahat mana pon kita DIA bagi juga sinar bahagia utk kita rasa..
Maaf coretan mama utk adam terlampau panjang
Tp panjang lagi kasih sayang mama utk anak2 mama
Tiada penghujung
Salam sayang utk anak2 mama, 😚😘
Adam rayyan & maisarah
Terima kasih utk raja dihati sbb sama2 kuat dlm harungi ujian kasih syg Allah swt. 😘😙
Utk anak 2 mama
Adam rayyan
Tk pernah mama lupa saat mengandungkan adam
Tk pernah rasa susah , rasa letih , rasa sedih
Ada ja adam dalam rahim mama , buatkan hari2 mama sangat2 bahagia
7hb 10 2010
Saat lahirnya adam
Hilang semua rasa sakit mama lahirkan adam
Adam yang sgt baik, tk banyak ragam
7hb 10 2011
Adam dh setahun
Mama & papa sedaya mungkin jg adam
Tk pernah sakit , demam
Ingat lagi mama
Telatah adam yang sangat2 cergas
Adam jadi kesayangan keluarga ma & abah jgk
Banyak kasih syg y adam dpt
Walau di tempat org
Mama & papa bahagia tk terkata
Selalu doakan supaya ALLAH swt sentiasa lindungi adam
7hb 10 2012
Adam dh 2 thn
Adam kadang2 demam..
Ambik ubat dan lega balik
Adam aktif mcm biasa
Masa ni adam bru tumbuh gigi, berjalan
Dan pandaiii cakap..
Seronoknya mama tk terkira
Anak mama dh semakin membesar !!!!
7hb 10 2013
Adam dah 3 thn
Cepatnya masa berlalu..
Anak mama dh besaq
Dh boleh hafal doa tidoq
Doa makan
Alif ba ta pon dh ondway
Mama & papa rancang nak hantar adam sekolah!!!! Wahhh ...excited tk terkira mama & papa
Adam cerdas ,sihat n happy
Jan 2014
Adam masuk sekolah
Hari pertama msa mama hantar balik nangis
Kata cg sbb dia tgk org lain nangis
Hari ke dua sekolah
Mood adam smkn baik
Mama bg reward mainan kat adam
Adam happy
Feb 2014
Adam demam
Bwk ke klinik amek ubat
Kembali sihat n aktif
Semakin bijak berkata2
Setiap mlm sebelum tidur
Dh pandai bc doa tidur sndiri tnpa di suruh
Dh besaq anak mama
Bangganya mama
Doa mama
Semoga Allah swt terus bg semangat utk mama besarkan adam dgn baik
Mac 2014
Adam demam lagi
Ambil ubat seminggu baru sembuh
Sangkanya adam demam biasa
Pertengahan MAC adam demam lagi
Bwk ke hospital utk cek drh
Result tkda apa2 masalah
Hujung bulan demam lagi
Kali ni teruk smpai adam tk boleh jalan
Nampak adam lemah sangat2
Terus bwk ke hospital semula
Utk xray
Result masih tk tunjuk apa2 masalah
Balik rumah adam kembali sihat
Tp tk seaktif biasa
Semua kesayangan adam perasan
Masa tu keja mama pon banyak tertangguh
Susah hati mama
Pilih yang mana 1 penting
Kerjaya atau anak
Rekod kerja mama dh tk comei
Semakin teruk
Tp mama redha
Sbb mama tau pengorbanan mama utk jaga adam lagi penting
Sbb adam segala2nya bg mama
22hb April 2014
Adam semakin teruk
Kedua2 belah kaki dh tk.boleh berjalan
Terima rwtn di hospital dungun
Hampir 3 minggu
Mama bersalin kat adik pon masa tgh jg adam
Kesayangan adam , jaja & ma y take over utk jg adam
Papa teman mama
Sakitnya bersalin adik berbeza dr bersalin kat adam
Alhamdulillah sekejap saja
Adam dh jd abg
Adik dh boleh balik tp abg adam masih dihospital
Ma y jg adam
Syg ma dekat adam mcm adam anak dia
Syukur Allah kurniakan sorang insan yang kasih syg dia sgt2 banyak tumpah ke atas anak aku..
Tk terbalas jasa ma n keluarga
Papa nakal selalu bwk adam lari dr hospital
Semata2 balik nk bg adam tgk adik
N adam sgt2 happy dpt blik rumah
Hari2 mama bilang hari utk adam balik
Tp kata putus dr hospital msih tkdak
Mei 2014
Papa & mama dh hilang sabar
Smpai bila nk duduk hospital
Tnpa ada sebarang kata putus tentang sakit adam
Papa & mama ambil risiko utk bwk balik adam
Ke hospital sg petani
Y lebih bnyk pakar n kemudahan
Jun 2014
Adam masih dihospital
Hampir sebulan
Papa ada temankan adam
Mama masih dlm pantang
Alhamdulillah walau pon sakit tak terkata lahir kan adik..
Adik baik, senang dijaga tk banyak kerenah
Sampai sekarang
Mungkin adik tau..
Mama kena tumpukan perhatian utk abg
Syukur Allah
July 2014
Adam dimasukkan ke GHPP
baru dr sahkan
Adam sakit
Kanser neuroblastoma tahap ke 4
Dr cerita lagi
Kesan2 kimo
Subhanallah besar sungguh ujian kasih sygmu
Mama & papa mcm berjalan atas angin
Saat terima apa y dr cerita
Mama tarik nafas dalam2
Mama solat
Mintak supaya Allah kuatkan hati , jiwa mama
Utk terima segala ketentuanNYA
Ayaq mata mama smpai kering
Smpai dh tk daya nk keluar
1st kimo adam masuk sebelum raya aidilfitri
Persiapan raya alhamdulillah
Dpt jgk mama tempah baju raya adam
Wana biru y mcm adam tunjuk
Adik pon dpt foc baju raya dr kawan mama
Syukur murah rezeki
Raya pertama adam
Sihat kembali
Boleh berjalan mcm dlu2
Syukur Allah
Sihatkan kembali anak aku
2nd kimo
Adam kuat
Sikit pon tk muntah
Tak demam
Adam berjaya lalui
3rd kimo
Ubat kimo adam kuat sikit kali ni
Kata dr
Adam muntah
Demam sikit
Mulut pecah
Habes kimo balik rumah sehari saja
Dah kena masuk hospital balik
Sbb adam demam
Duduk hospital smpai sembuh
Mulut adam
Demam pon dh tkdak
Adam boleh balik
Kimo ke empat adam posponed seminggu
4rd kimo
Ubat kali ni tk kuat
Adam ceria
Duduk hospital pon adam enjoy
Papa temankan adam
Mama happy
Adam semakin baik
Syukur Allah
Kimo kelima poaponed hampir sebulan sebab adam demam
5th kimo
Mama teman adam
Papa keja
Adam muntah sikit
Kesan kimo kata dr
Mama beli aiskrim hari2
Tkmau bg mulut adam pecah
Anak mama kuat
Habis kimo boleh balik
Adam happy boleh balik
Katanya rindu adik!!!!
6th kimo
Teruk skit ubat kimo kali neh
Kuat sgt kata doc
Adam smpai demam menggigil lepas habis kimo
Kna admit 1minggu ghpp
Ingat lagi mama
Tgh mlm masa adam demam teruk
Adam ckp kt mama
Adam syg mama
Syg papa
Syg adik
Minta maaf mama
Kna jaga adam
Tk boleh jg adik
Mama senyap tk terkata apa2
Mama seboleh2 tkmau menagis depan adam
Mama cuba tahan
Alhamdulillah mama berjaya tahan tangis mama
Walau pon dlm hati hanya Allah y tau
Papa pon trus blik dr ganu utk jg adam
Tgk muka papa
Mama tau papa sedih sgt2
Takut sgt2 kehilangan adam
Lama papa balik kali ni
Adam p bones scan pon dgn papa
Adam happy bila papa ada
7th kimo
Kimo last
Adam berjaya lalui
Anak mama& papa kuat
Adam dpt blik rumah
Dr pon happy adam lebih baik dr mula2 masuk
Sel kanser adam pon tk ada
Doa mama
Semoga dgn izin Allah adam dpt sembuh
Rambut adam pon dh mula tumbuh skit2
Mama dpt qasa bila pegang kepala adam
Bulu mata adam pon dh start tumbuh
Kening adam
Selalu mama usik adam
Kening mana
Adam gelak ja..
Now 5hb 1 2015
Hari ni
Adam admit Hsah
Semalam demam lepas masuk darah
Dr tahan
Kata dr
Tk boleh balik
Selagi adam tk main tembak2 dgn saya
Adam jd kesayangan dr2 dan misi kt sini
Sama mcm kawan2 adam y lain
Semua jd kesayangan
Mulianya kerja seorg dr n jururawat
Pagi ni adam dh tk demam
Cuma tk aktif
Mungkin letih
Masuk drh & platlet semalam
Doa mama
Semoga Allah swt izinkan adam sembuh
Semoga Allah swt bg peluang utk mama besarkan adam sama2 dgn adik, sekolahkan adam dan adik , dpt didik adam jg adik sebaik mungkin , dpt jd perlindung yang terbaik sesama sendiri
Terlalu banyak mama qasa apa y mama doakan
Siapa la mama disisiNYA
Tp Allah swt maha penyayang maha pemurah
Sejahat mana pon kita DIA bagi juga sinar bahagia utk kita rasa..
Maaf coretan mama utk adam terlampau panjang
Tp panjang lagi kasih sayang mama utk anak2 mama
Tiada penghujung
Salam sayang utk anak2 mama, 😚😘
Adam rayyan & maisarah
Terima kasih utk raja dihati sbb sama2 kuat dlm harungi ujian kasih syg Allah swt. 😘😙
Alhamdulillah..happy family
Adik sarah 8m
Adik sarah turn 8m & abg adam lepas kimo ke 6
Selepas habis kimo ke 6,admit hsah sbb demam
Masa kimo kali ke 4
Sambut birthday y ke 4thn 07102014
Friday, 14 February 2014
Kami merupakan pre order online shop terbesar dan termurah di Malaysia since 2011.
Berdaftar dengan SSM (BABYLOVE MUMMY ENTERPRISE ( TR0128734-T) ) dropship under atasrakcollection.
Semua barang di dalam website ini adalah PRE-ORDER dan HARGA murah(hanya perlu beli 1barang untuk dapat harga murah). Setiap 12hb saya akan buka order,dan order akan tutup setiap9hb setiap bulan. Payment boleh dibuat pada setiap 23hb hingga 9hb. Pembayaran haruslah secara Tunai dan full payment.
Order untuk batch FEBRUARI - MARCH 2014 dibuka sekarang,boleh place order melalui blog @ pm di fb Filo Lilo .
Pre order :: 12 FEBRUARI 2014 hingga 9 MARCH 2014.
Tarikh utk payment :: 23 FEBRUARI 2013 hingga 9 MARCH 2014.
Tarikh barang akan di pos kepada anda :: 12/13/14/15 MARCH 2014
Tarikh utk payment :: 23 FEBRUARI 2013 hingga 9 MARCH 2014.
Tarikh barang akan di pos kepada anda :: 12/13/14/15 MARCH 2014
** Tracking number akan diupdate bila barang sudah siap di pos.
Sebarang pertanyaan boleh email nurafiqahfilo1987@gmail.com / PM di fb Filo Lilo / sms@whatsapp ke number 0174191796
Barang 1.5kg ke atas pos via posmalaysia/airpax/ktm
barang bawah 1.5kg pos via pos laju.
barang free postage,akan di pos via posmalaysia/airpax/ktm
Roll N Store Pin
Roll, cut and store with one convenient rolling pin!
The unique Roll and Store Pin includes 9 colorful cookie cutters that store inside the rolling pin barrel reducing clutter.
Comfort grip handles are removable to access cookie cutters but stay securely in place when in use.
Remove cutters and fill rolling pin barrel with ice for a stay cool pin that prevents sticking when rolling out pastry dough.
Cookie cutters include the following fun shapes: Bunny, Star, Butterfly, Heart, Clover, Flower, Duck, Gingerbread Boy and Gingerbread Girl.
Dishwasher safe
The unique Roll and Store Pin includes 9 colorful cookie cutters that store inside the rolling pin barrel reducing clutter.
Comfort grip handles are removable to access cookie cutters but stay securely in place when in use.
Remove cutters and fill rolling pin barrel with ice for a stay cool pin that prevents sticking when rolling out pastry dough.
Cookie cutters include the following fun shapes: Bunny, Star, Butterfly, Heart, Clover, Flower, Duck, Gingerbread Boy and Gingerbread Girl.
Dishwasher safe
Hello Kitty Water Dispenser
Price: RM53.00
Dimensions: face width - 20cm, height -48cm, thickness - 18cm
Product material: green food grade PET plastic
Capacity: about 8 glasses of water 2L
Gently press the faucet for water (does not have cooling or heating functions)
Product material: green food grade PET plastic
Capacity: about 8 glasses of water 2L
Gently press the faucet for water (does not have cooling or heating functions)
Bag Rack
Happy Call Non Stick Pans 32cm
Price: RM85.00
The TK-DGP01 is specially designed to distribute heat and also to retain heat. The grill pan spreads heat evenly around the whole pan ensuring that your meat is cooked properly just the way you want it. The heat retention feature makes sure that heat does not escape and the correct amount is needed to help make your perfect grilled meal. The TK-DGP01 also has double layered inner ceramic coating which makes the grill pan non-stick and thus preventing that annoying problem where your meat getting stuck on the pan. The non-stick feature means that no oil or butter is needed to grill and thus creating a healthier meal for you.
- Pan is specially made for best heat distribution and retention
- Non-stick and healthy double layered inner ceramic coating
- Magnetic locking mechanism and silicon ring allows flipping of pan to be used on either side without leakage of oil or other liquids
- Pan ideal for grill and BBQ of various food like fish, steak or prawn
- Pan is specially suited for preserving the delicious original taste of food
Magnet Lock
- The TK-DGP01 features a special magnetic lock and silicone ring which enables you to flip the pan while grilling without having leakages. The magnet lock also ensures the heat stays in the pan while locked resulting in a faster meal and also preserving the original taste of your food.
- Double Grill Pan
- Ceramic Coating
- 32CM x 24CM
Slap Chop Chopper With Grandy
iggers the 3 blades below to chop and cut food. The more you slap the Slap Chop Chopper , the finer the food gets. Dice, chop and mince with Slap Chop. Slap Chop Graty Cutting Board chops up potatoes for home fries, or add mushrooms and green peppers for a tasty side to your eggs. Even use theSlap Chop for vegetables like carrots, celery and radishes for an instant salad. Nuts and chocolate are chopped easy too for toppings on ice cream. Slap Chop Chopper is great for onions and evengarlic. Save time and save your fingers too from the awful smell of some veggies. Slap Chop Chopper base opens up to expose the blades for easy cleaning.
Slap Chop Product Features:
*Chops vegetables, fruits and nuts fast and easy
* Food gets finer with every slap
* Easy to clean
* Dishwasher safe
* No Need to switch blades
*Chops vegetables, fruits and nuts fast and easy
* Food gets finer with every slap
* Easy to clean
* Dishwasher safe
* No Need to switch blades
3tier Chocolate Fountain
•Dimensions: 14.5cm (D) x 21.5cm (H)
•Weight: 800g
•Material: Heat-resistant ABS and stainless steel bowl
•Colour: Brown
•Power: 220V – 240V
•Voltage: 50Hz / 65W
•Built-in heater and motor heats and mixes chocolate
•Detachable parts for easy cleaning and storage
•Comes with 3-pin plug
•Package dimension: 15cm x 22cm x 15cm
Tips and recommendations
•Before replenishing the fountain, ensure that the new batch of chocolate is preheated for better flow.
•Never use a chocolate fountain outdoors as you do not want your chocolate to collect dust particles or be blown away by the wind.
•Chocolate hardens when cooled, so it is best to clean up the fountain right after the party by dismantling the tiers and washing them with soapy hot water.
•Weight: 800g
•Material: Heat-resistant ABS and stainless steel bowl
•Colour: Brown
•Power: 220V – 240V
•Voltage: 50Hz / 65W
•Built-in heater and motor heats and mixes chocolate
•Detachable parts for easy cleaning and storage
•Comes with 3-pin plug
•Package dimension: 15cm x 22cm x 15cm
Tips and recommendations
•Before replenishing the fountain, ensure that the new batch of chocolate is preheated for better flow.
•Never use a chocolate fountain outdoors as you do not want your chocolate to collect dust particles or be blown away by the wind.
•Chocolate hardens when cooled, so it is best to clean up the fountain right after the party by dismantling the tiers and washing them with soapy hot water.
Cartoon Cake Maker
Press & Spin
Press & Spin including 2 Sizes / No Electricity
Does 10X The Whipping Of An Ordinary Whisk!Perfect for arthritic hands! The secret is the press and spin
action--just press up and down on the handle for a multi-pulse action
that does 10 times the whipping of an ordinary whisk. Great for dressings,
whip cream, sauces, batters, fluffy eggs, smoothies, frothed milk and much more.
Won't scratch pans and is dishwasher safe.
Includes 2 stainless steel beaters
weight : 200g
Kangaroo Keeper 2in1
Fine Life Spice Rack
Price: RM24.00
Spice up your dishes with special herbs and spices in this practical POP-UP SPICE RACK it's a neat way to keep your secret ingredients fresh and organized!
Whether youre the newbie housewife or professional-slash-weekend chef, your kitchen area will certainly look more professional with the Spice Rack Set on your countertop. This is truly indispensable kitchenware as the lids are made with the patented Oxiloc system that creates an airtight seal for storage. Ask any chef and theyll tell you that keeping herbs, salts and spices in an airlock container is key to keeping them fresh and to lock in their flavors. When you want to use your herbs, simply pop open the lid and sprinkle on your stews, omelets and sauces then pop the lid back down to reseal.
The containers can also be hoisted on each of the branches of the stand to take up less space on the countertop. These also feature clear finishcontainers so you can see when its time to refill them and what spices and herbs are inside.
Now you dont have to keep small plastic bags with rubber bands lying around haphazardly because you can organize your favorite ingredients in the Spice Rack Set!
Adding a little extra flavor to a dish doesnt take much effort, but having to hunt down ingredients at the back of a packed kitchen cupboard does. A fun, convenient way to store spices is to put em all in a little treea tree-like spice rack, that is. The six-piece set has see-through containers with green pop-up rubber lids that keep unfresh air out and full flavor in, and are easy to use. The spice containers hang from the branches of the main stand, suspended from a surface, so they dont add to the crowd of appliances and doodads on the kitchen counter.
- Keep herbs, salts, spices, condiments in an airlock container,
- 6 - piece set with pop-up rubber lids,
- A stylish rack with an elegant design for a sleek and modern look,
- Convenient see-through container adds visual appeal,
- Keep unfresh air out and full flavour in,
- A must-have accessory for every kitchen,
- Each container holds up to 4oz of your favourite spices.
- 6 - piece set with pop-up rubber lids,
- A stylish rack with an elegant design for a sleek and modern look,
- Convenient see-through container adds visual appeal,
- Keep unfresh air out and full flavour in,
- A must-have accessory for every kitchen,
- Each container holds up to 4oz of your favourite spices.
Shake N Take (SINGLE)
Price: RM50.00
Whip up a tasty fruit smoothie or protein shake in this sipping cup. The built-in blade instantly crushes ice, blends fruit and mixes powders. Then, lift it from the motor base, and take it with you to enjoy on the way to work or school! No messy transferring from blender to bottle. Flip-up “straw” lets you sip with the lid securely in place. Comes with one dishwasher-safe polycarbonate bottle; order extra so everyone in the family can have their own! Holds 16 oz..
Specifications :-
Shake and take sports bottle blender – blend and drink from the same bottle
Ultra-compact base with a powerful high capacity motor quickly turns ice, fruit and more into mouth-watering smoothies
Heavy duty plastic housing
On/off power button with safety interlock on front of blender base
2 units of 16 oz Sports bottle included
Sports bottle has a twist-on lid with a built-in pop-up straw
Built-in blades in bottom of sports bottle
2 oz, 4 oz, 6 oz, 8 oz, 10 oz, 12 oz, 14 oz and 16 oz measure marks on outside of sports bottle
Overall measures approx 3½” D X 3¾” W X 14½” H (assembled)
Sports bottle measures approx 2¾” Dia X 9” H
Instructions included
Net weight 1 lb 6 oz
Included :-
1 travel bottle
1x blender base
1x user manual
1x Retail Box
Shake N Take (Double)
Price: RM62.00
Whip up a tasty fruit smoothie or protein shake in this sipping cup. The built-in blade instantly crushes ice, blends fruit and mixes powders. Then, lift it from the motor base, and take it with you to enjoy on the way to work or school! No messy transferring from blender to bottle. Flip-up “straw” lets you sip with the lid securely in place. Comes with one dishwasher-safe polycarbonate bottle; order extra so everyone in the family can have their own! Holds 16 oz..
Specifications :-
Shake and take sports bottle blender – blend and drink from the same bottle
Ultra-compact base with a powerful high capacity motor quickly turns ice, fruit and more into mouth-watering smoothies
Heavy duty plastic housing
On/off power button with safety interlock on front of blender base
2 units of 16 oz Sports bottle included
Sports bottle has a twist-on lid with a built-in pop-up straw
Built-in blades in bottom of sports bottle
2 oz, 4 oz, 6 oz, 8 oz, 10 oz, 12 oz, 14 oz and 16 oz measure marks on outside of sports bottle
Overall measures approx 3½” D X 3¾” W X 14½” H (assembled)
Sports bottle measures approx 2¾” Dia X 9” H
Instructions included
Net weight 1 lb 6 oz
Included :-
2 travel bottle
1x blender base
1x user manual
1x Retail Box
Shake N Take II (Single)
- Specifications
- Calling all gym junkies, smoothie lovers or aspring health enthusiast! A healthy lifestyle calls for balanced meals, fights against evil temptations and healthy consumption of all things good and natural. Get your fix of breakfast smoothies, juices or pre-working energisers when you whip up your own concoction with this new and improved deal:
- A Shake n Take II
- A new and improved version of the Shake n Take
- Works as a multifunctional blender
- Instantly makes smoothies and shakes
- Blend and drink from the same bottle
- Doubles as a take-away cup
- Secure sports bottle design with flip top
- Major time saver, especially through the early morning rush
- Blends ice with ease
- Cordless with dishwasher safe blending compartment
- Base: Motor base
- Voltage: 220V
- Volume: 500ml
- Color: Blue
Portable Steamer Iron
Super light and portable
Safe for all types of fabrics
Easily and effectively remove the wrinkles
Perfect for business trips
Small yet powerful
Keep your clothes looking great on the move with this handy travel steamer from Tobi. It can be used on fabrics as tough as linen and as delicate as silk. The steamer heats up in seconds and doesn't use any chemicals, just tap water.
Remove wrinkles, creases and odour from garments
Multipurpose handheld steamer for removing wrinkles, creases & odor from garments.
Tough enough for linens, safe enough for silk.
Safe to use on different types of materials & fabrics.
Lightweight, hand held steamer heats up in seconds for a quick & convenient use.
No more burning or damaging fabrics with heavy, unwieldy irons.
Compact & portable, great for travel.
Includes 3 months warranty covering manufacturing defects
Euro 2-pin plug 220V 1500W
Have pass CE,ROHS,GS,UL,ETL,BS/UK certificates
Package includes:
Steam Buddy steamer
Fabric brush attachment
Creaser attachment
Water cup
Cleaning brush
Instruction manual
How to use:
Hang up desired cloth
Fill Portable Steamer Iron with tap water
Plug in
Run steamer over cloth with a sweeping motion allowing steam to straighten wrinkles away.
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